Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (hereinafter “FIBH12O”), located at Avda. de Córdoba s/n. Edif. CAA, 6ª Planta, Bloque D, 28041 de Madrid, as responsible for the processing of personal data that the user of this website provides, will act in accordance with the provisions of current legislation and, specifically, in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016 (GDPR), in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights relative to the Protection of Natural Persons (LOPDGDD).

Treatment of your personal data

We inform you that the personal data obtained through the contact form of will be processed by FIBH12O in order to manage and meet your contact request, as well as to initiate professional relationships related to a collaboration and/or synergies in relation to the project referred to on this website and, where appropriate, the maintenance of professional and commercial relationships with You.

Your personal data will not be transferred to third parties, unless required by law or by the competent authorities. In the event that the data is going to be transferred to third parties, FIBH12O will inform the interested party in advance and request the consent of the interested party for this purpose in the event that this was the legitimate basis for said treatment, indicating to whom said data is going to be transferred. and for what purpose. The basis that legitimizes the processing of your data is the consent that you grant us by completing and sending the contact form with your personal data and accepting this Privacy Policy, as well as compliance with legal obligations in your case. We remind you that you can revoke the consent given at any time.

Your data will be kept by FIBH12O while managing your contact request and beginning, where appropriate, professional relationships, or, where appropriate, while the commercial relationship is maintained and the deadlines set by tax legislation, as well as during the established deadlines. to deal with potential claims.

FIBH12O, informs you that in no case are you obliged to provide us with your personal data, and that these are adequate, pertinent and strictly necessary to fulfill the purpose for which they are collected, however, these are essential to start a professional relationship between the parts.

If you have contacted us by other means provided on this website, for example, via email and/or phone, we inform you that the personal data that you have provided us will be processed by the FIBH12O in order to attend to and manage your contact, as well as maintain the professional relationships that unite us with you, if applicable. In this sense, we inform you that your data could be communicated to the entities and public administrations necessary for the maintenance of professional relations and whenever they are required by law or by the competent authorities. The processing of your data is necessary to deal with your contact and maintain the professional relationship, if applicable. Your data will be kept while managing your contact request and/or while the commercial relationship is maintained and the deadlines set by tax legislation, as well as during the deadlines established to attend to possible claims arising from the treatment.

Data protection rights of the interested party

For the purposes of the provisions of current regulations, you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, not to be subject to automated individual decisions (including profiling), portability and limitation of the processing of your data Going to the Foundation for Biomedical Research of the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, at the address Avda. de Córdoba s/n. Edif. CAA, 6ª Planta, Bloque D, 28041 de Madrid, or to the email address, for which we may request documentation proving your identity if necessary. You have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), if you consider your rights infringed.

Data Data Protection Officer (DPO) of FIBH12O:
Alaro Avant, S.L.


Confidentiality and Data Security

FIBH12O has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to guarantee the confidentiality, availability, integrity and resilience of its treatment systems and services. However, the user must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.

This privacy policy has been updated in October 2022. FIBH12O reserves the right to modify its data protection policy in the event that there is a change in current legislation, jurisprudential doctrine or by own business criteria. If any change is made to this policy, the new text will be published at this same address.